PowerShell VMC Module

I wanted to point to an opensource project that is very well hidden, VMware.VMC is the opensource VMC PowerShell module. You can easily find the module at the PowerShell Gallery but I could not find it on GitHub, I was just about to email Alan Renouf to ask him about creating a project when I took one more look to be sure I wasn’t asking a stupid question. Turns out that it is opensource but it is hidden in a PowerShell example script project. Really not where I expected it.

Anyway, that’s a long way to say that I will be contributing to this module if they’ll let me. It seems a great way to get out and give back. I think I’ll start by writing Pester tests for the existing functionality and then move to add new functionality. The project it maintained by the heavy weights in the VMware Code space so it will be great to have a way to work with them and help the community.

Thanks for reading. Conor

Written on January 16, 2019
[ VMware  PowerShell  ]