New Mi Light GU10 Colour Bulb installed
Today I found the perfect place for two Mi Light coloured bulbs.
I had been unable to use these until today because they didn’t fit into the ceiling fittings, but they do fit into the exterior garden lights. Initially I’d bought these bulbs to go into the hall, I thought it would be cool to have a splash of colour for people coming and going and going and maybe tune the colour to different people based on proximity info.
The problem was that the bulbs are much taller than a standard bulb so they would stick out too far.
Generally, I’ve found smart bulbs are (understandably) much bigger than regular bulbs and this may or may not be an issue for you when installing them. Check out this cross sections of bulbs I have.
I have the MiLight hub hooked up so it was easy to added these two bulbs today. I will go deeper on my Mi Light choice soon enough. I never liked the idea of a controller hub versus the self-contained bulb format, but seeing how the hub allow bulbs to be smaller and how it saves on redundant hardware in each bulb it does make sense.