ChatGPT Game With Son

Draft - Hello, First post of 2023 and its a good one. I am creating a Python based figthing game together with/for my son. With all the discussion of ChatGPT I decided to give it a go and see what it can do. ChatGPT Game 1

So the Python that came out looks pretty good to me (Iā€™m no Python expert but I can read and work with it), I ran this in my cmdline and after fixing some spacing issues it worked great. I am honestly impressed. This was my second pass at requesting this game format so I had already learned that I needed to be very specific to get out what I wanted. Initially I got a game with just one attack and no input. It ran but was not fun as a game. It had the working logic which I could have edited manually, but instead I asked more a specific question and got a more specific answer.

class Player:
    def __init__(self, name, health, attack1, attack2, attack3): = name = health
        self.Attack = {"1": attack1, "2": attack2, "3": attack3}
    def choose_attack(self):
        choice = input(f"{}, choose your attack (1, 2, or 3): ")
        return self.Attack[choice]
    def reduce_health(self, amount): -= amount

class Attack:
    def __init__(self, name, damage): = name
        self.damage = damage
    def __str__(self):

player1 = Player("Patrick", 100, Attack("Punch", 20), Attack("Kick", 30), Attack("Uppercut", 40))
player2 = Player("Conor", 100, Attack("Slash", 25), Attack("Stab", 35), Attack("Smash", 45))

players = [player1, player2]

while True:
    for player in players:
        print(f"{}'s health: {}")
        attack = player.choose_attack()
        other_player = players[1] if player == players[0] else players[0]
        print(f"{} uses {attack}!")
        if <= 0:
            print(f"{} has been defeated!")

Plays out as

>>> while True:
...     for player in players:
...         print(f"{}'s health: {}")
...         attack = player.choose_attack()
...         other_player = players[1] if player == players[0] else players[0]
...         print(f"{} uses {attack}!")
...         other_player.reduce_health(attack.damage)
...         if <= 0:
...             print(f"{} has been defeated!")
...             exit()
Patrick's health: 100
Patrick, choose your attack (1, 2, or 3): 2
Patrick uses Kick!
Conor's health: 70
Conor, choose your attack (1, 2, or 3): 3
Conor uses Smash!
Patrick's health: 55
Patrick, choose your attack (1, 2, or 3): 3
Patrick uses Uppercut!
Conor's health: 30
Conor, choose your attack (1, 2, or 3): 2
Conor uses Stab!
Patrick's health: 20
Patrick, choose your attack (1, 2, or 3): 2
Patrick uses Kick!
Conor has been defeated!
Written on January 11, 2023
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